Completion of the Build
The final step is a complete a final check-over of your finished build, ready for you to move in!
Just before you move in, we will do a thorough inspection of the building work and issue the Practical Completion Certificate and list any minor omissions or defects.
Once you have moved in, there is a defects liability period, usually three months. In this period, the contractor must correct any deferred work or defects. And at the end of the period we’ll inspect the work again to ensure the listed corrections have been completed. Then we can issue a Defects Liability Certificate.
All material warranties get supplied by the contractor and we review before passing them on to you for your files.
Depending on who is responsible a ‘Code of Compliance Certificate’ for the completed building work should be issued by the council. Note on occasion landscaping works or specialist installations can be outside the scope of the Main Contractor so the 'CCC' will not be possible until the works are complete.
We can provide you with a maintenance manual for your home and set you up with a maintenance regime online. This outlines general maintenance requirements and cleaning guidelines for the different materials in the building, where relevant. It also details your maintenance responsibilities and records to ensure all material warranties are maintained.