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Initial Meeting

This is a relaxed ‘no obligation’ initial introduction to chat about your brief and end-vision. 


We will discuss the design and build process and outline our services which will generally be in line with these pages with some modifications noted as relevant.


The meeting can take place at our office, in your home or at the site, depending on what is most relevant.


We will discuss what your hopes and aspirations are for the project, how much you want to spend and we will provide insight into the process. ​


We can provide some initial feasibility information who will need to be involved as well as ourselves the site constraints and we will also have an initial discussion about your project budget, but this will be covered in more detail in the pre-design stage.


We encourage prospective clients to undertake a feasibility exercise with us as a low cost means of providing feedback whether the project is possible, viable, or sensible before leaping into the expense of a formal design process. 


We have a document for prospective clients looking to engage our services for the first time in our guides section here


It's easy to book an initial meeting with us here.

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